Despite Attacks, Wind & Solar Outpace Coal & Gas
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) recently released a report showing that wind and solar power generation outpaced coal and gas in 2014. Wind generation increased...
Low Gasoline Prices! Now What?
With gasoline prices at their lowest in years, odds are that we will soon be seeing reports about gas guzzler sales on the rise, people traveling more, and maybe even a comeback...
Wilderness Act Turns 50
Fifty years ago–September 3rd, 1964–the Wilderness Act was signed into law. This might not have happened if it was not for a staunchly conservative Congressman from...
Nothing Conservative About Candidate’s Climate Denial Video
Louisiana state Representative Lenar Whitney, who is running for Congress, has posted a video online where she calls global warming “the greatest deception in the history...
What is Behind the Curious Campaign Against Wind?
For at least the past six months there has been a relentless campaign to do away with the production tax credit(PTC) for wind energy. This effort, waged largely under the...
Keeping Land Protection Bi-partisan
After multiple efforts in Congress–Republican and Democrat–to protect the San Gabriel Mountains near Los Angeles have been stymied by a few public land opponents in...
CRS Launches Senior Fellows Program
Conservatives for Responsible Stewardship is pleased to announce the launch of its Senior Fellows Program. This program offers stewardship-minded conservatives with a strong...
GOP Lawmakers Take Stand on Climate Change
During Senate consideration of legislation to approve the Keystone XL pipeline an important milestone was reached on climate change. Five Republican senators voted for an...
New IPCC Climate Report Paints Urgent Picture
The world’s climate scientists have spoken and it would be prudent for our elected leaders to listen–especially those whose standard response to media and voter...
Fourth Hottest July Ever. Really?
Those living in much of the Eastern and Central U.S. would likely be surprised to hear NOAA’s recent announcement that July 2014 was one of the hottest Julys on record. For many...