EPA’s Proposed Wetlands Rule Makes Fiscal Sense
EPA’s recently proposed wetlands rule has taken a lot heat from special interests such as American Farm Bureau Federation and the National Association of Home Builders....
Are Our Rivers and Streams Going to Pot?
The big push by liberals and libertarians to legalize marijuana is troubling to many conservatives. Their concerns center on the anticipated social impacts of making a...
Powerful Op-Ed on Reagan’s Climate Leadership
President Reagan’s EPA Chief Lee Terry has written a very powerful op-ed recalling how Reagan responded when climate scientists discovered that compounds used in aerosol...
House Moves Against Theodore Roosevelt’s Antiquities Act
Republican leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives is planning a vote this week on H.R. 1459, a bill sponsored by Congressman Rob Bishop (R-UT) and six other Western...
Endangered Species Act: Conserving Life for 40 Years
Forty years ago the Endangered Species Act passed with overwhelming bipartisan majorities in Congress and was signed into law by President Nixon. Both its enactment and longevity...
Great Conservative Op-Eds On Climate Change
Congratulations to two of our longtime members for recently having really terrific op-eds published that urge conservatives to take the lead in addressing climate change. South...
CRS Welcomes Move to Protect Alaska’s Bristol Bay
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) just announced (02/28/14) its initiation of a process to decide whether to use its veto authority under the Clean Water Act to...
Conservatives for Responsible Stewardship (CRS) is the new name for ConservAmerica EF (the charitable arm of ConservAmerica). Welcome to our new home on the web! As you will soon...